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Compare zcls2 and apex training


* Model: Torchvision Pretrained ResNet18
* Dataset: CIFAR10/CIFAR100/FashionMNIST
* Train:
    * Epoch: 90
    * Num gpus: 4
    * Batch size: 256 / one gpu
    * Loss: CrossEntropyLoss
    * Optimizer: SGD (initial lr 0.01)
    * Lr_scheduler: Warmup (5) + MultiStepLR(30/60/80)
* apex: commit `727a6452c9b781930acee5e24e09efe9360b4890`
* zcls2: commit `193b3995c37578222957ac9e72f6ad9d49438b70`

Prepare data

Go to the ./demo/benchmarks/datasets folder, run


This script will download torchvision data and extract to ./data/ folder.

ZCls2/data$ tree -L 2
├── cifar10
│   ├── cifar-10-batches-py
│   ├── cifar-10-python.tar.gz
│   ├── train
│   └── val
├── cifar100
│   ├── cifar-100-python
│   ├── cifar-100-python.tar.gz
│   ├── train
│   └── val
├── cifar-10-python.tar.gz
└── fashionmnist
    ├── FashionMNIST
    │   ├── processed
    │   └── raw
    ├── train
    │   ├── Ankle boot
    │   ├── Bag
    │   ├── Coat
    │   ├── Dress
    │   ├── Pullover
    │   ├── Sandal
    │   ├── Shirt
    │   ├── Sneaker
    │   ├── Trouser
    │   └── T-shirt
    └── val
        ├── Ankle boot
        ├── Bag
        ├── Coat
        ├── Dress
        ├── Pullover
        ├── Sandal
        ├── Shirt
        ├── Sneaker
        ├── Trouser
        └── T-shirt


repos arch dataset top1 top5
apex resnet18 cifar10 92.910 99.800
zcls2 resnet18 cifar10 92.490 99.800
apex resnet18 cifar100 73.400 93.000
zcls2 resnet18 cifar100 73.260 92.910
apex resnet18 fashionmnist 94.230 99.950
zcls2 resnet18 fashionmnist 94.250 99.940
apex mobilenetv2 cifar10 92.800 99.850
zcls2 mobilenetv2 cifar10 92.830 99.800
apex mobilenetv2 cifar100 73.560 93.140
zcls2 mobilenetv2 cifar100 73.610 93.320
apex mobilenetv2 fashionmnist 93.870 99.980
zcls2 mobilenetv2 fashionmnist 93.860 99.960

I don't set cudnn.deterministic = True and cudnn.benchmark = False, so each time the best_prec@1/best_prec@5 is different, may be big diff. For example,


  1. ResNet18
  2. Apex
    1. 92.910 | 99.800
    2. 92.390 | 99.780
  3. ZCls2
    1. 92.410 | 99.770
    2. 92.490 | 99.800
  4. MobileNetV2
  5. Apex
    1. 92.800 | 99.850
  6. ZCls2
    1. 92.830 | 99.800


  1. ResNet18
  2. Apex
    1. 73.250 | 92.890
    2. 73.400 | 93.000
  3. ZCls2
    1. 73.190 | 93.080
    2. 73.260 | 92.910
  4. MobileNetV2
  5. Apex
    1. 73.560 | 93.140
  6. ZCls2
    1. 73.610 | 93.320


  1. ResNet18
  2. Apex
    1. 94.230 | 99.950
    2. 94.060 | 99.950
  3. ZCls2
    1. 93.920 | 99.930
    2. 94.250 | 99.940
  4. MobileNetV2
  5. Apex
    1. 93.870 | 99.980
  6. ZCls2
    1. 93.860 | 99.960